Monday, March 23, 2015

Ahhh...The Good Life!!!

Somethings are simply given to us. The sun that rose this morning, the air that we breathe, a mind with the power to make choices, you know, the essentials. As long as the earth is turning, my lungs are breathing and my mind is working I can pretty much do anything I set myself up to do. Therefore, I have choices, and by my decisions I can see which direction I am headed. For instance, I have a choice to either get up and go to the gym or to stay on the couch and watch TV, by making the decision to get up I am headed in the direction of becoming healthier and stronger. If I continue to make that decision I will begin seeing results and eventually I will become the healthier and stronger me that I've envisioned for myself. 

Well, that is just a simple example that I believe most of us can relate to, but with this simple example we can see how powerful choices are, and they appear before us by the minute. We are always choosing what to eat, what to wear, what to watch, where to go, who to talk to, what to read, who to spend our time with, whether or not to take that new job, buy that new house, date that new guy, have a kid, go to college, and it goes on. It can be overwhelming! You can't hide from them and they truly are the little blocks that build our lives. We are a direct result of the choices, big or small, that we make. 

There was this one time in the Bible when God rescued His people from years of slavery and once they arrived to safety God spoke to them through Moses. So God showed them the difference between a life with Him and a life without Him and once He was done explaining everything He said  “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" Deut 30:19

Decisions, decisions, here we go again. To choose life, to choose blessings, one would think that that would be the most obvious choice right? Our God never changes, His love never changes and He is still rescuing us today from the bondage of this world, and once He does that He will pose the same question, will you choose life?

I love it that the question is not just about staying alive but choosing life, THE LIFE,so that you might live. He is talking about the full and exuberant life that those who choose to walk with Him can experience. The life that only He can give us. Choosing to trust and obey no matter the circumstance, choosing to worship Him even when our world is falling apart, choosing to go to Him for strength when we've come to the end of our rope, choosing to wake up every morning and choose Him first, THE LIFE, so that we might live.

So like I said, because our decisions will show which direction we are headed, when we choose THE LIFE, we are headed in the direction of experiencing the abundant and exuberant life that God has for us. We will be more joyful, more confident, more fulfilled. Every time we choose LIFE we receive from Him His JOY, His STRENGTH, His PEACE, His FREEDOM, His PURPOSE, His Incomparable LOVE . And if we continue to make that decision everyday we will begin to see results and eventually we will enjoy the FULL LIFE that we've envisioned for ourselves.

So tangibly how do we make that choice? 
"That you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days." Deut 30:20

Love, Cling and Obey - that's all I've got to say!!!!

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